Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Do What You Can, With What You Have, Where You Are

This is a very simple principle of success. All you need to do to really succeed in life is begin doing what can do. Start taking action that can help you translate dreams into reality. Start doing it today. Now is the best time to begin.

Remember that time is your most valuable resources. You must really make the most of the time today by doing your best.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Reading Quality Books

Reading in a mind adventure. Reading is the way to see the world in different way. What do you read? Now is the time to read quality books that can change your life. Now is the time to start doing things that can make a big difference in your life. Think about it and do something about it.

There are many quality book available. You want to read books that can change your life. Get inspire by reading quality books. Start today to read quality book. Now is the time to begin changing your life in a better way by reading quality book.

10 Ways to Work Smart

It's time to work smart. Using mind to solve problems is crucial. Organizing and scheduling is the way to ensure progress. Here are ten things to get more results:

1. Focus and Concentration

To get better results I must use the power of focus and concentration.

2. Quickly Get the Jobs Done

The only way to ensure progress is by quickly get the jobs done.

3. Quickly Solve Problems

Problems must be solved quickly and accurately.

4. Be More Determined

You cannot stay where you are - determination can change your life.

5. Cleanliness

Be sure you are living in clean environment.

6. Set Up Priority

Setting your priority right is a must.

7. Systematic

You must work systematically to ensure progress.

8. Massive Action to Achieve Massive Success

Without massive actions you cannot get outstanding results.

9. Be More Determined and Persistent in Getting Highest Value Jobs Done

It's time to be more determined and get the jobs done accurately.

10. Change Your Life Today!

Friday, August 20, 2010


Emotions are psychophysiological phenomena that represent modes of adaptation to certain environmental stimuli or internal representation.

Psychologically, emotion is the individual responses to internal and external stimuli, rapidly organize the responses of different biological systems, including facial expressions, muscles, voice, SNA activity and endocrine system, in order to establish an optimal internal environment for more effective behavior.

Behaviorally, emotions serve to establish our position in response toward the environment, prompting certain responses about certain people, objects, actions, ideas and away from others.

Emotions are neurochemical and cognitive processes related to the architecture of the mind-decision making, memory, attention, perception, imagination, which have been perfected by the process of natural selection in response to the needs of survival and reproduction.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

To Believe in God is Logical

I write this blog with imagination power. I see it with my mind eyes. I see that the world is full with people. There are billions of people all over the world. What is it all about? What is the meaning of human life? What is the purpose of life?

Simply put it. It's clueless. We don't understand life purpose. Life is meaningless. There is no real happiness to human life. Life is miserable. Happiness is only something that happen in the mean.

Does God exist? For the people who believe that God exist, and if God really exist, and I believe that God exist, then there is hope, real hope for the future. Why? Because physical life is limited to maximum 80 years old on average. There are only few people who love above 80 years old. And those who can reach above 100 years old are only very limited few - probably less than a million.

So, life on earth is meaningless. It's really only chasing for the wind. Without God we are all hopeless. Without God we are only the grass of the earth the exist today but wither tomorrow, meaningless and clueless.

So, what is life all about. I think, the meaning of life can be found when we believe in God. If God does exist, and there is eternity, then we our believe is not in vain.

I think, believing in God, in this short life on earth, is quite logical. It's far better than to believe in evolution, or in ourself (we are nothing), or in the God if this world (money is only symbol of what you can do), or in nothing (atheist is believe in nothingness).

To put it simply: I believe in Jesus Christ.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Ambidextrous Drawing Skills

Extraordinary Ambidextrous Drawing Skills

Accelerate Your Progress

When progress seems so slow, you must be innovative. Innovation is the key to change the outcome. What can you do to be innovative. Here are several things that you can do to be innovative.

1. Think differently.

By thinking differently you change your actions, and by changing your action you changing the results that you will reap.

2. Slow Down

Yes, sometime you need to slow down and see the whole things with the new perspectives.

3. Focus on quality - not on quantity.

Yes, quantity do matter, but quality is even more. Focus on quality instead of quantity.

4. Listen to Music

Music can give you great inspiration. Listen to inspiring music. Memorize one song a week. See how your life become better by listening to inspiring music.

5. Make the Most Out Of What You Already Have

Count your blessing. Give thanks to God for what He has given to you. Make the most out of what has been given to you.

6. Change Your Action and Your Change the Results

If you keep on doing the same thing you will reap the same results. Begin doing something different to reap different results.

7. Focus and Concentration

Focus and concentration helps you to make a big difference. Just do your best to focus on highest value activities that can change your life for the better.

8. Take a Break to Refresh Yourself

Stop doing the same things over and over again. Take a break. Breath some fresh air out there. Enjoy your vacation. Go to the beach or the mountain.

9. Keep Calm

Keep calm. Think clearly.

10. Be Innovative

To be an innovative person you must develop sense of achievement. Think about the way to be a better person through innovative approach.