The way you use your mind determine your decision, and your decision determine the action that you take, and the action that you take determine the results that you reap. It is crucial then to understand why you must learn to think clearly. Here are 7 ways to think better.
1. Think clearly
Consciously understand what you think about. What do you think about? Why do you think in that why? Is that kind of thinking useful. Analyse your thoughts and do you best to begin thinking in better way.
2. Be Careful About What You Eat
Do not just at any food. Think about the effect of the food that you eat on your health, mind and body. Eat food that make you healthy. Various kinds of fresh fruits vegetables are great food to consume.
3. Exercises
Running, walking, and any other kind of exercises are great for your health. Spend enough amount of time to exercise.
4. Visual
What do you see everyday in your mind eye? What you see in your mind eye can make a big difference in you life. Train your mind to think visually in effective and productive way. Create encouraging pictures and movies in your mind instead of the negative one.
5. Auditory
Do you listen to inspiring music? Inspiring music can give you great progress. Begin to listen inspiring music today.
6. Discipline
Being a very discipline person can be very rewarding. There are many things that you can achieve by being a discipline person. More personal achievement can give you more happiness. Always be grateful for every little things that you can accomplish, no matter how small they are.
7. Praying
Praying is really the most important thing you can do as a person. You are relying on the the Creator, the One who has created you. Relying on higher power give you complete confidence, not in yourself, but in your ultimate end of your life.
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